NURS 6640N 1: Exam – Week 6 Midterm (100% Correct Uploaded April)
(NURS 6640N) Question: A 41-year-old male patient is meeting with the PMHNP and reveals that he is homosexual. He begins telling the PMHNP about…
NURS 6640N 1: Exam – Week 6 Midterm (100% Correct Uploaded Jan)
(NURS 6640N 1) Question: The PMHNP is assessing a patient who … up in a foster home because she was … and abused by…
NURS 6640N Week 6 Midterm Exam (100% Correct Uploaded July-v2)
(NURS 6640N Week 6 Midterm) Question: An 11-year-old patient has been exhibiting low self-esteem at school and acting out. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of…
NURS 6640v1 Exam – Week 6 Midterm (100% Correct Uploaded July)
(NURS 6640V1 Exam) Question: An 11-year-old patient has been exhibiting low self-esteem at school and acting out. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ……
NURS 6650 Week 11 Final Exam (100% Correct Summer Quarter)
(NURS 6650) Question: When completing this exam, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity? NURS 6650…
NURS 6650 Week 11 Final Exam (July Submission 100% Correct)
(NURS 6650 Week 11 Final) Question: Group participation is an important aspect of how successful group therapy will be. The PMHNP recognizes that the…
NURS 6650 Week 11 Final Exam (Taken February)
(NURS 6650 Week 11) Question: In a group therapy session for adolescents, a 15-year-old patient says he has trouble making conversation with people he…
NURS 6650 Week 6 Midterm Exam (February Term)
(NURS 6650 Week 6 Midterm Exam) Question: The PMHNP is meeting with the parents of a school-aged girl. The mother reports feeling frustrated, because…
NURS 6650 Week 6 Midterm Exam (Uploaded April)
(NURS 6650 Week 6 Midterm) Question: While in a family therapy session, a wife comments, “Instead of spending time with me, he is usually…
NURS 6650 Week 6 Midterm Exam Answers (Uploaded January)
(NURS 6650 Week 6 Midterm Exam Answers) Question: Hill is currently being … for schizophrenia but has stopped taking her medications due to some…
NURS 6660 Final Exam (July Term)
(NURS 6660 Final Exam) Question: The PMHNP is evaluating a 15-year-old male patient who has been referred by his court … guardian. He has…
NURS 6660 Week 6 Midterm Exam (100% Correct Fall Quarter)
(NURS 6660) Question: Jack is a 3-year-old boy who is being … for developmental delay. The mental status examination is significant for an inability…
NURS 6660N-8 Exam – Week 11 Final (100% Correct Fall Quarter)
(NURS 6660N-8 Exam) Question: Conventional antipsychotics are not first-line interventions in early-onset schizophrenia due to the risk of dystonic reactions. However, when children are…
NURS 6660N-8 Week 11 Final Exam (Attempt Score: 75 out of 75 Points)
(NURS 6660N) Question: Conventional antipsychotics are not first-line interventions in early-onset schizophrenia due to the risk of dystonic reactions. However, when children are not…
NURS 6665 Midterm Exam (Spring Term)
(NURS 6665 Midterm) Question: Biofeedback, deep breathing, mindfulness, and progressive muscle relaxation are strategies that are typically … in which of the following therapies?…
NURS 6665 Midterm Exam Solutions
(NURS 6665 Midterm Exam) Question: The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Code of Ethics Principle II: Promoting the Welfare of Children and Adolescents…
NURS 6670 Midterm Exam (100% Correct Solutions)
(NURS 6670 Midterm) Question: Alexa is a 27-year-old female who has come to group therapy while she is in the city jail. She was…
PMHNP 6635 Week 6 Midterm Exam (100% Correct Jan QTR)
(PMHNP 6635 Week 6 Midterm) Question: Select the neurotransmitter … in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents … on the common comorbidity of…
PRAC 6531 Course Assignments Week 1, 3, 6, 9 and 10 (Bundle)
(PRAC 6531 Course Assignments) PRAC 6531 Week 1 Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information PRAC-6531 Week 1 Assignment 2: Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment PRAC…
PRAC 6531 Week 1 Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information
(PRAC 6531 Week 1 Assignment) Verify that your practicum application has been … by logging in to Meditrek. Complete the designated areas of the…
PRAC 6531 Week 1 Assignment 2: Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment
(PRAC 6531 Week 1 Assignment 2) Verify that your practicum application has been … by logging in to Meditrek. Complete the designated areas of…
PRAC 6531 Week 10 Assignment 2: Journal Entry
(PRAC 6531 Week 10 Assignment 2) This week, you will write a Journal Entry (450-500 words), reflecting on your clinical strengths and opportunities for…
PRAC 6531 Week 3 Assignment 2: Episodic Visit: HEENT Focused Note
(PRAC 6531 Week 3 Assignment 2) For this Assignment, you will work with a patient with a HEENT condition that you examined during the…
PRAC 6531 Week 6 Assignment 2: Episodic Visit: Gastrointestinal Focused Note
(PRAC 6531 Week 6 Assignment 2) For this Assignment, you will work with a patient with a gastrointestinal condition that you examined during the…
PRAC 6531 Week 9 Assignment 2: Episodic Visit: Musculoskeletal Focused Note
(PRAC 6531 Week 9 Assignment 2) For this Assignment, you will work with a patient with a musculoskeletal condition that you examined during the…
PRAC 6540 Coursework Assignments Week 1, 4, 7, 8 and 11
(PRAC 6540 Coursework) PRAC 6540 Week 1 Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information PRAC-6540 Week 1 Assignment 2: Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment PRAC 6540…
PRAC 6550 Week 4 Quiz (100% Correct Collection)
(PRAC 6550 Week 4 Quiz) PRAC 6550, Adv Pract Care AAC Setting II, Week 4 Quiz (100% Correct Summer QTR) Question: The liver contains…
PRAC 6550-19 Week 9 Quiz (100% Correct)
(PRAC 6550-19 Week 9 Quiz, PRAC 6550-19 Week 9 Quiz) Question: Traumatic renal injuries are … on a 5-point scale. According to the American…
PRAC 6552 Coursework Week 1 – 11
(PRAC 6552 Coursework, PRAC 6552 Coursework) PRAC 6552 Week 1 Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information Form PRAC-6552 Week 1 Assignment 2: Clinical Skills and…
PRAC 6552 Week 1 Assignment 1, Assignment 2, Assignment 4, Learning Resources (Bundle)
(PRAC 6552 Week 1) PRAC 6552 Week 1 Assignment 1: Practicum Site Information Form PRAC-6552 Week 1 Assignment 2: Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment…