BUS 308 Full Week 4
Problem Set Week Four
Let’s look at some other factors that might influence pay. Complete the problems below and submit your work in an Excel document. Be sure to show all of your work and clearly label all calculations. All statistical calculations will use the Employee Salary Data Set.
- Using our sample data, construct a 95% confidence interval for the population’s mean salary for each gender. Interpret the results. How do they compare with the findings in the week 2 one sample t-test outcomes (Question 1)?
- Using our sample data, construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean salary difference between the genders in the population. How does this compare to the findings in week 2, question 2?
- We found last week that the degrees compa values within the population. Do not impact compa rates. This does not mean that degrees are distributed evenly across the grades and genders. Do males and females have the same distribution of degrees by grade?
- Based on our sample data, can we conclude that males and females are distributed across grades in a similar pattern within the population?
- How do you interpret these results in light of our question about equal pay for equal work?
BUS-308 Discussion 4-1/ Confidence Intervals: Many people do not “like” or “trust” single point estimates for things they need measured. Looking back at the data examples you have provided in the previous discussion questions on this issue, how might adding confidence intervals help managers accept the results better? Why? Ask a manger in your organization if they would prefer a single point estimate or a range for important measures, and why? Please share what they say.
BUS 308 Discussion 4-2/ Chi-Square Tests: Chi-square tests are great to show if distributions differ or if two variables interact in producing outcomes. What are some examples of variables that you might want to check using the chi-square tests? What would these results tell you?