HSM 305 Week 1 Quiz (Questions & Answers)
- Question: Which is not a component of ICE
- Question: The Directorate of Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection is responsible for identifying and assessing the nature and scope of terrorist threats to the nation and detect such threats.
- Question: Which agency is responsible for protecting the US borders from invasive pests and diseases
- Question: Which is not a Goal of DHS Mission 5 (Ensuring Resilience to Disasters)
- Question: What is not a part of the Department of Homeland Security
- Question: The acronym ICE is defined as:
- Question: Which is not one of the four mechanisms that the EPA supports federal counterterrorism programs with:
- Question: Manage Risks to Critical Infrastructure, Key Leaders, and Events is a Goal of Mission 1
- Question: Which of the following is not a signatory to the National Response Plan
- Question: Increasing overall preparedness, particularly for catastrophic events was one of the six point agenda items in Secretary Chertoff’s DHS reorganization plan.
HSM 305 Week 1 Quiz
HSM 305 Week 1 Quiz . Homework Solutions. Course Assignments. Ashford University Coursework. Homework Help for Assignments. Course Material for Ashford University Students. Study Guide for HSM- Homeland Security and Emergency Management Courses at Ashford University.