HSM 421 Quizzes Week 1, 2, 3 and 4
HSM 421 Week 1 Quiz
Question. Induction is the process of reasoning from the abstract and general..
- Question. Operationalization refers to the ability to generalize o extend..
- Question. Quantitative methods in empirical analysis are based on…
- Question. Theories are sets of logically related symbols that represent..
- Question. Quantitative methods in empirical analysis are based on a….
- Question. Empirical analysis addresses how we should use our knowledge.
- Question. Generalizability refers to the ability to generalize o extend…
- Question. ___ is the process of reasoning from the abstract and general…
- Question. Hypotheses are all of the following except:
- Question. All of the following are steps in the research process, except:
HSM 421 Week 2 Quiz
Question. Validity is the extent to which measures correspond to the concepts that…
- Question. Validity is the consistency with which a measuring instrument allows…
- Question. Characteristics of measures by which all cases can be assigned to at least one..
- Question. Quantitative methods study social phenomena in their entirety..
- Question. Reliability is the consistency with which a measuring instrument allows..
- Question. The process of selecting observable phenomena to represent…
- Question. Exploratory research is intended to provide an accurate representation…
- Question. In research, observation is referred to as the process…..
- Question. A __ is research in which the data analysis…
- Question. VA basic experimental design includes all of the following except:
HSM 421 Week 3 Quiz
Question. A panel study is a study that employs the same group of subjects…
- Question. A pie chart is a figure in which a circle representing a given…
- Question. Open Ended questions force the respondent to choose….
- Question. A trend study is a study that employs the same group of subjects…
- Question. Closed Ended questions allow respondents to answer in their..
- Question. In longitudinal surveys data are collected only once from respondents.
- Question. The main types of ___surveys are trend, cohort and panel..
- Question. Four basic survey options are: personal interviews, mail…
- Question. ___force the respondent to choose an answer from…
- Question. A ___chart is a graphic representation in which the height…
HSM 421 Week 4 Quiz
Question. Two types of statistics used to describe the distribution of cases over the values..
- Question. Whole factors are numbers that summarize either the…
- Question. Bivariate statistics describe the relationship between two variables.
- Question. The median is the middle case in a distribution of cases.
- Question. The measure of association between two interval variables is the constant index.
- Question. The mean is the most frequently occurring value in a distribution of cases.
- Question. A Linning series is a measure of position within a distribution.
- Question. Chi squared analysis is analysis of the simultaneous relationship….
- Question. A frequency distribution is an ordered count of the number of…
- Question. Multicollinearity is: